DEEP PURPLE's IAN GILLAN Mourns Death Of His Wife

November 28, 2022

Bron Gillan, the wife of DEEP PURPLE singer Ian Gillan, passed away on November 19, reportedly after a long illness. She was 67 years old.

Ian and Bron got married in 1984 and have one daughter, Grace Gillan.

Ian previously said that one of his favorite songs from his career is "Don't Hold Me Back", which appeared on his 1991 solo album "Toolbox". "It was about my wife and her heart operation, you know?" he explained. "She was in hospital at the time, and 'we're breaking into your open heart.' It's a pure love song, and I couldn't have done that one a DEEP PURPLE record at that time. I don't think I'd have been able to impose my personal passion so much into a DEEP PURPLE song."

Ian joined DEEP PURPLE in 1969 and made his first recorded appearance with the band on "Concerto For Group And Orchestra". PURPLE's most famous anthem "Smoke On The Water" demonstrates Ian's fantastic vocal ability, his exhilarating rock presence and cements his place in rock and roll history.

Gillan led his own band during the late Seventies before rejoining DEEP PURPLE for "Perfect Strangers" in 1984. In 1989 he toured as GARTH ROCKETT AND THE MOONSHINERS before releasing further solo albums, including "Naked Thunder" (1990),"Toolbox" (1991),"Dreamcatcher" (1998) and "Gillan's Inn" (2006).

Gillan is also an author, playwright, screenwriter, songwriter and a philosopher with a wicked sense of humor and a bit of the devil in his eye. Pavarotti said he is a genius, and David Gilmour of PINK FLOYD declared that as long as Gillan is singing, rock and roll is not dead. His impact on pop culture remains strong to this day, with "Smoke On The Water" playing a pivotal role on an episode of "The Sopranos".

Our thoughts and condolences go to our Ian Gillan (and their daughter Grace) who lost his longtime life companion, wife...

Posted by Igor's Deep Purple Universe on Friday, November 25, 2022

Ian Gillan's wife, Mrs Bron Gillan, has died. ?? We express our deepest and sincere condolences to Mr. Gillan and his family.... R.I.P.

Posted by Ian Gillan / Deep Purple on Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Condolences to Ian Gillan on the passing of his wife. Thinking of you at this sad time.

Posted by Brian Ross on Monday, November 21, 2022

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